How to Make WebMD Great Again!

World of DTC Marketing blog author and pharma marketing consultant Richard Meyer has some advice for WebMD, which may be looking for a buyer (read “’Same Amount of Eggs, More Baskets’ – Lesson Learned by WebMD re Pharma Digital Spending”).

WebMD needs pharma and medical device companies, but pharma doesn’t need WebMD,” says Meyer who has some suggestions about how to Make WebMD Great Again

“Even though WebMD is the top health portal on the web, turning traffic into revenue is hard to do as a lot of websites have found out,” says Meyer. “There are opportunities, but WebMD has to act fast.”

Here is what Meyer would do to rescue the brand:

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How to Make WebMD Great Again! How to Make WebMD Great Again! Reviewed by admin on March 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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