Gamification Pointsification Pontification

“Gamification has a perennial presence at health tech conferences, but never seems to take central stage,” noted Jonah Comstock on mobilehealthnews (see here).

Gamification is also a buzzword often heard at pharma industry conferences (see here). Not only hasn't gamification taken "center stage" in the pharmaceutical industry, it is, IMHO, at the trough of disillusionment of the Gartner hype cycle (read "Is Pharma Gamification Dead in the Water?").

One way that Comstock cited to “prod along” gamification is through “pointsification”, or “apps where the only game-like strategy is the use of badges and points to motivate people.” Charlie Schroder, a Silicon Valley digital strategist and consultant, said at the HIMSS16 conference:
“In Silicon Valley we’ve played around with a number of incentives including cash rewards versus badges and points, and badges and points win out every time over cash, over anything tangible, and it’s across every demographic.”
Interesting. Of course, it all depends on how one "plays around with incentives."

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Gamification Pointsification Pontification Gamification Pointsification Pontification Reviewed by admin on April 20, 2016 Rating: 5

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